Allandale | Aorangi | Dog Box Bivouac | Waiwhenua | Hauturu | Quest Henderson | The Nuns Veil | Mount Malingson | Melrose | Wai iti | Hunts Creek Hut | Waimangu Stream | Tomahawk Saddle | Mount Caitriana | Mid Goulter Hut | Te Waka | Mount Greenland | Solscape Raglan | Elmwood | Little Sherwood | Te Paepae o Aotea | Merrijigs | Waipuke | Townshend River | Porirua | Obelisk | Waiotahi Valley | Waihopai Saddle | Mitchells Cottage | Peninsula
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Korowai | Merivale | Argyle Station @ 2025
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