Dale Hill | Middlemuir | Montglen | Pukepuke | Russell Peak | Taiparoro House 1882 Tauranga | Mangawhare | Absolute Beach front Tutukaka Harbour Tutukaka | The Prop | Arohena | Ridge Thorpe | Sea Haven B B Raumati Beach | Orowhana | Stewarts Knob | Simpsons Reserve | Matemateaonga | Karangahape | Hauhungaroa | Millview | Prince of Wales | Manukau | Fandang | Kahuwera | Pah | Lincoln | Te Tui | Tangowahine | Mount Lyall | Edgewater Hotel Wanaka | Albury Park
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Niggerhead | Mansion House | Top of the Lake Queenstown
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