Auchreddie | Mount Milne | Rees River | Pendle Hill | Tiritiri | Dip Flat | Mount Inaccessible | Leslie Hills | Blair Peak | Clyde Hydroelectric | Teddys Hill | The Glebe | Paton homestead | Whiorau | Mount Dieffenbach | Fitzroy Gem New Plymouth | Rata | Penguins Retreat Hokitika | Dream Escape for 2 Paraparaumu Beach | Glen Avon | On Burrell WAIHEKE ISLAND | Loudon Hill | Mount Vic | Peachgrove Hamilton | Mornview | Peach Grove | Mangatapere | Oratia | Athenree | The cashmere bothy Christchurch
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Kaiata | Auchreddie | White Island @ 2025
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