Moerangi | Ramatama | Chalky Point | False Head | Punawai | Maraetaua | Otuwhare | Coventry | Fells Hill | Waiteika | Lochvale | Lake Janet | Mount Brown | Pakurangi | Ballanon | Pukematai | Kelleher | Black Swan Lakeside Boutique Hotel Rotorua | Mangahina | Rata | Puketehi | Blockhouse Bay | Tarawahi | Goldrush Glory 2 Queenstown | Gibbs Hill | Bridges Saddle | Villa 185 Central Masterton Masterton | Glen Kerry | Whitecomb | Lloyd Peak
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Serenada | Rocky Dome | The Cactus Gardens Rotorua @ 2024
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