Kotemaori | Havelock Col | Motuara Island | Pakaraka Marae | Ohere | Punaromia | Moturoa Wharf | Chetnote | Okehungene | One Ten Apartment 8 Taupo | Glyndwr | Mount Haidinger | Oamaru Airport | Western Bay of Plenty District | Mataroa | The Helmet | Mount Barr | Hut Creek | Newlands Bed and Breakfast West Melton | The Kowhais | Takakuri | Te Rama | Huiarangi | Oaonui | Shortland Court Motel Thames | Tauanui | Ettrick | Pukahau | Te Awaroa | Linden Lodge
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Tunnel Point | Icklewood | Mount German
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