Makuri Gorge Reserve | Omanawa Falls | Seaview Apartments The Pines | Popes Hill | Claymore | Rockwood Bridge | Dunalister | Whaingapuna | Grand Tiara Hotel Rotorua | Mount Mirk | Lichfield | Ahuriri | Sherwood Rise | Pedlars Motel Paeroa | Dream Inn Browns Bay | Little Roderick | Haldon Station | Bencruachan | Villa 1 Tatamoana Acacia Bay | Remuera | Clarks Hill | Pender Point | Tikao Bay | The Knob | Mount Anglem | The Villa Backpackers Lodge Picton | OAKURA OPULENCE Oakura | Rawaru Rock | Taihape | Carhirdean
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Alexandra Motor Lodge Alexandra | Golden Bay Motel Takaka | Orongorongo Lodge @ 2025
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