Mount Holdsworth | Crystal Bivouac | Location Location Location Taupo Holiday Home Taupo Central | Lobster Inn Motor Lodge Kaikoura | Oenone | Llangwarren | Llandaff | Oceanside Beach House Kaka Point | LKNZ Lodge Ohakune | Breaker Point | Lizard Isle | Kingsgate Hotel Whangarei | Livingstone | Camp Hill | Little Tweet in Cargill Street Dunedin | Little Shotover Barn Queenstown | Little Shiel Hill | Camels Hump | RotoVegas Motel of Rotorua Rotorua | Little Ridge | Ngahere | Little Peak | Riversleigh | Little Paradise Lodge Creighton | Reflections By The River Hamilton | Little Mount Ida | Little Mount Anglem | Ah Reed Kauri Park | Little Mount Allen | Little Mount Allan
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Pukekaikiore | Camp Hill | Department of Conservation @ 2024
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