Sisyphus Peak | Daisybank | Redan | Milestone Cottage Lower Shotover | Grays Road | Sanson | Holiday Home Gwyneth | Lambton Quay Wellington | Christies Hut | Ariki | Mount Awful | Glenorchy | Lees Pass | Waiotira | Tahupo | Omoeroa Hill | Greerton | Kindar | Eldonwood Bed and Breakfast Matamata | Pukekaroro | Mount Albert Station | Spotswood | Orchard Cottage New Plymouth | Alpin Motel Rotorua | Queenstown Airport | Awarua | Maori Head | Amore Motor Lodge Christchurch | Station Bush | Mount Iron Edge Wanaka
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Patiki | Totara Hills | Kopaatuaki @ 2025
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