Fernside | Hassing Peak | Sampford | The Onlooker | Awapai | Acacia Downs | Gudex Memorial Park | Feldspar Point | Medbury | Mount Gowrie | Lovells Flat | Feilding | Polo Hill | Mount Lyford | Mount Goosey | Rockburn | Batch Winery | The Hermitage Hotel | Mount Frances | Clover Hills | Erewhon Park Ski Field | Te Upokoohinepaki Point | Momori Point | English Cherry Tree Manor Tamahere | Outlook Hill | Lennox Pass | Bella Vista Motel Napier | Mid Flat Hut | Emulous Lodge | Te Kiekie
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Sea Path Apartment Nelson | Shag Point | Oroua County
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