Taylor Island | Tupurupuru Pa | Halden | Makakaho | Weatherly | Mount Engst | Berkeley Downs | Criffel Apartment Wanaka | Pack Track | Mount Danger | Kaioruru Church Bay | Lawn Cottages Clive | Fordlands | The Boathouse Gibbston | Fagans Downs | Hopeless Hut | The cabbage tree Hokitika | Maungaria | Deep Creek | Broken River Hut | Wairau River | ToreaMatakana Matakana | Ararimu | Ngawiro | Hakahaka | Kowai Lodge | The But n Ben Christchurch | McArthur Bridge | Centre | Black Barn Vineyards
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Kelvin Peak | One Tree Hill | Hauroko
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