Val Dor | Riverlands | Pa te Aroha Marae | Ruawahia | Ringway | Hurley S Of Queenstown | Iwinui | Hastings TOP 10 Holiday Park Hastings | No 2 Hut | Otahoua | Awa Retreat Hamilton | Mount Terako | Crag Point | Waterfront Bed and Breakfast Picton | Ball Shelter | Ramshead Hut | Kingston TOP 10 Holiday Park Kingston | U Residence Hotel Wellington | Hope | Atiamuri | Russell Cottages | The Blue Pub Methven | Beaumont | Armadillo Saddle | Anchorstone Stewart Island | Taradale | Cornwall Park Motor Inn Auckland | Neophyte Peak | Waiohiki | Hillsborough Seaview Villa Auckland
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Totara Farm Auckland | Quality Suites Alexander Inn | Allandale @ 2024
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