Commodore Court Motel | Lands End Boutique Hotel Bluff | Earls Cottage Te Anau | Wylie Court Motor Lodge Rotorua | Mount Dispute | Mount Dixon | Cherry Lodge Wanaka | NASEBY lodge Naseby | Paradise at Pohara Pohara | Castle Hill | Grosvenor Motor Inn | Craigie Lea | La Sassa Paihia | Bluff Village Guesthouse Bluff | 40 Winks Otorohanga | The Rampart | Graeme | Ruahemi | Aponga | Tuakau | Waikaia Hill | Mount Argelin | Albert Town | Pokororo | Central City Library | Alpine View Lodge | Te Whare Rakau Wanaka | Malabar | Bencruachan | Doughboy Hill
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Pakaraka Marae | Whakatane River | Strathview Station @ 2025
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