Bankside | Tekoe | Mole Hill | Gyzeh | Kawatiri | Coney Hill | Taumatamaire | Craythornes Halswell Hotel Christchurch | Towai | Mount Lyall | Pahou | Mount Goethe | Cloudy Peak | Hide Away Cottage Taupo | Burton Fields | Murrays Bay | Huanui | Mount Major | 166 Majestic Court Motel Christchurch | Mons Boreas | Mount Union | Middle Hill | Highcrest | Middle Peak | Cow Hill | Koinga Peak | Colville | Journeys end Raglan | Mount Thornton | Mount Menteath
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Handy location Christchurch | Waihi Beach Hotel Waihi Beach | Comfy house with breakfast Christchurch @ 2024
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