Kaiwaha Marae | Otaraia | Rough Hill West | Mount Moir | The Flying Trout Boutique Lodge Taupo | Orongo Bay | The Beach House Rawhiti | Mansion House | Coatbridge | Saddle and Sulky Motor Lodge New Plymouth | Mount Wakeman | Mount Hutt | Mansons Peninsula | Hiwinui | Panepane | Ernsdale | Mount Soho | South Rough Ridge Hill | Rydges Wellington | Spreydon | Taumaru | Hurukino | Te Iwirahirahi Point | Hampden Hotel Murchison | Espinosa Point | Tikiora | Langwell | Restview Dunedin | Highcliffe | Coolavin
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Coatbridge | Fringed Hill | Fosters Hill
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