Wharepoa Road Station | Totara Cottage Twizel | 219 on Johns Motel Holiday Park Christchurch | Room for Two Nelson | Oakside | Lake Terrace Apartment Taupo | Mount Kirkliston | Bonskeid | The Mortgage | Nottinghill B n B Blenheim | Toomeys Bridge | Tuahuka | Turner Falls | Mount Fishtail | Kaawa | Misty Valley | Whetukura | Makomako | Ruawaro | Utakura | Stuart Hill | Purua | Pukeruru | West Dome | Saint Johns | Rodger Inlet Hut | Absolute Beach Mount Maunganui | Blue Moon Lodge Havelock | Mautue | Avonden
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Anakiwa Lodge Picton | The Treasury | 103 Prince of Bealey Motel Christchurch
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