Pauri Village | Welcome Pass | Harpers Pass | Kowhai Flats | Kokonga | Tawapiko | Manahau | Waiari | Mary Hill | Mount Linton | Lakeside Residence by Touch of Spice Wanaka | Polo Hill | Clarion Collection Wai Ora Lakeside Spa Resort | Highlands | Pouto Marae | Lake Coleridge Station | Esk Valley | Mount Browne | Te Taumata | Vintage Hey Day Whanganui | Sweep Point | Coldstream | Queenstown Heights by MajorDomo Queenstown | Aigrette | Otahuti | Saint Jacobs Hut | Te Anau Hill | Archer Point | Inverary | Muarangi
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Te Haumi Rock | Plinlimmon | Mangonui @ 2025
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