Mount Mason | All Seasons Holiday Park Rotorua | Hotel Lake Brunner Moana | Reidston | Taumaiti | Oakleigh | Vale Terrace | Brockies B n B Rawene | The Church at Fox Fox Glacier | Te Karae | Christmas Village Hut | Simons Pass | Glenkens | Rosedale | Mangere Bridge SH20 | Buffalo Lodge Coromandel Town | Sunrise Apartment Golden Bay Onekaka | Hauora | Reipihi | Afton Peak | Trevalda | City Sanctuary on Kilmore Christchurch | Eversley | Aporo Nelson Holiday Home Nelson | Bayview Retreat Oneroa Waiheke Island | Homeward Bound Battery | Tekapo Escape Lake Tekapo | Pentland Downs | Aoparauri | Waipuna
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Best Western Sundowner Mtl | Mataiwhetu | Second Peak @ 2025
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