Freemans Bay | Waikauwia | Tuhawaiki | Hillgrove | Bridge Pa | Coalbrook | The Downs | Orangimea | Barringtons Motor Lodge Whakatane | Kemp House and Stone Store | Winchester | McPhees Rock | Gerard Peak | Waitatapia | Apiti Saddle | Otematata Station | Windhaven Bed Breakfast Otekaieke | North Shore City Coastal Walkway Auckland | Tawharanui Point | Magog | Tauriko | Breaker Bay | Patea County | Woodlands Park | Kaitake Redoubt | Inframeta | Eric Glacier | Flax Point | Ramshead Saddle | Hedin Peak
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Omihi Stud | Pacific Jemm Queenstown | Moturoa Point @ 2025
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