Te Whare iti | Cosy Cabin Featherston | Ohaupo | Te Auahi | Green Island | Twin Bridges | Kikiwa | Mount Edward | Oreti Apartments | Walkers Hill | The Olive Grove Suite Cambridge | Thornton Lodge Motel Waipukurau | Benton Peak | Wattle Creek | Mount Richmond | Engineer Col | Irthing Bivouac | Sweets Saddle | Douglassie | Auroral radar site | Garthowen | Mount Travers | Trig Island | Villa Rosa Christchurch Christchurch | Wild Cattle Hill | Braeside | Mount Tasman | Mount Maunganui | Mount Edgar | Piarere
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Timara Lodge | The Park Hotel Ruapehu | Marsden
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