Dovedale | Rosehill | Parikino | Kildonan | Big Hill | Aroha Nui Rotorua Rotorua | Greville Harbour | Bay of Many Coves | Fairdown | Waimarie | Sherwood | Taradale | Sale Street Loft Auckland | Hillview | Pahoia | Waikiekie | Pukeiti | Huntly | Paraparaumu Beach | Waitapu Stream | Windsor | Glenfield | Villa Pleas Ure Oamaru | Trackly | Sharks Tooth | Rotorua Motel Rotorua | Panhandle West Coalmine | Back Ridge Hut | Forden Peak | Tregandale Greytown
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Cottes Brook | The Cliffs | Goat Knob @ 2025
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