Mount Riley | Mount Namu | Tapuketaru | Omana Beach | 15th Valley Stream | Golden Bay | Matahorua Viaduct | Ounuwhao B B Guest Lodge Russell | Atea | Kuirau Hot | Romahapa | Flag Inn Aladdins | Naumai | Glenorhe | Toka Ngawa | Bounty Motel Paihia | Mataurangi | Escape Col | Mount Edward | Waiotia | Glenellen | Barlow Hut | Ferndale | Willow Glen | Wallingford | Mount Adams | Raincliff | Centre Hill | Eastlea | Paihia Harbour
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
The Beach House Kawau Island | Cabuie | Te Omeka Marae @ 2025
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