Whitelocks | McLaren Park | Sunny Villa Glen Eden Auckland | West Denbie | Birkenhead | Shingle Peak | Whangakoko | Bloomfield | Rotoorangi | Akaroa Head | Kundy Island | Kenmore | Inangahua Camp | Sai Motels Greenlane Auckland | Ranui Retreat Bed and Breakfast Oamaru Otago | Ocean Joy Mount Maunganui | Ngutukoko | Fellworth House For Solo Travellers Nelson | Tarras | The Light House | Oatley Hill | Waima Hills | Mount Frederick Gardiner | Opuahau | Middle Peak | Quality Hotel Emerald | Tuarua | Marina Quarters 402B Queenstown | Albert Number 6 Whitianga | Te Mata B B Havelock North
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
YHA Queenstown Lakefront Queenstown | Shingle Peak | Astro Accommodation Taupo
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