Shepherds Creek Hut | Mount Bruce | Mount Allen | Goat Hill | Cedar Flat Bridge | Wolds Wonder Twizel | Comfortable homestay Rotorua | Wallacetown | 65 The Drive Twizel | Te Kowhai | Kakaramea | Cogloft Whitianga | Cattle Flat Station | Matahorua | Fordlands | Taupo Events Centre | Te Aitarakiki Creek | Te Iringa | Strathallan | Argyle Substation | Roof Tops Whitianga | Villa Ratas Raetihi | Mount Oates | Riverside | 538 Great King Motel Dunedin | Moa Creek | Pendle Hill | Mount Milne | Paeroa Motel Paeroa | Riverdale
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Brooklyn | Pinewood Lodge | Mount Cadmus @ 2025
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