Te Haehaenga | Rakaia Gorge | Mount Herman | Ketemarae Pa | Malcher Peak | Tohureo Point | Cumberland Motel Dunedin | Moturoa Wharf | Acton Meadows | Mangaharakeke | Whakamakarini | Potato Pit Hill | Welcome Pass | Wakarara | Grays Road | Papakura | Belmont | Royal Burn | Sockburn | Bannockburn | Blimit | Spartan Lodge | Woodside | Devils Elbow | Popotunoa | Matahiwi Landing | The Palms Shopping Centre | Glenorchy | Mount Gowrie | Scotts Gap
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Taringatura Hill | Oreaw blue Orewa | Mt Wellington War Memorial Reserve
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