Mount Pfeifer | Waimairi Farm | Railway Wharf historical | Point Resolution | Mount Monotis | Whareongaonga | Victory Beach | Mottram Peaks | White Pyramid | Hogburn Downs | Belmont | Tohureo Point | Aspinall Peak | Te Paki Point | Swannanoa Lea | Mount Treacey | Granite Knobs | Mount Studholme | Kahikatea Bliss Hamilton | Okahu | Tawanui | The Hermitage | Lichfield Lodge | Windsor Place Queenstown | Mount Dampier | Wairoto | Waihopai Saddle | Mount Shewell | Mount Pattisson | Waitetoki
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Tirohanga | Snowdon | Mount Hopeless @ 2025
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