Taurikura | Precipice Peak | Ringawhati | Otahoua | Mount Murrell | Mangaonoho | West Beach | Pukekonui Escape Oropi | Kellys Beach | Abbottsfort | In the Heart of the Beach Waihi Beach | Tirotirowhetu | Alligator Head | Wallace Beach | Taita | Glenelms | Beachcomber Lodge Backpacker Kaitaia | Huiarau | Rawahi | Waiheke Escape Oneroa Auckland | Leda Peak | The Octagon | Mount Saint Mary | Mount O Malley | The Cowshed Waikino | Helm Crag Bed and Breakfast Napier | Bungle | Parham Hill | Mamuku | Willowbank
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Raetihi | Rangikapua | White House Paraparaumu
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