Te Rawhiti | Glendale | The Idlehouse Port Chalmers Dunedin | Mount Brown Hut | Jury Hill | Pukekarea | Mount Dana | One Tree Hill | Mount Haidinger | Riteakawarau | Mount Soaker | Kingfisher Paradise Tapu | Maple House B B Rotorua | Garden Inn Airport | Ram Hill | Kelmont | Ohai | Trafalgar Park | Willow Bank | Valhalla North Kerikeri | Dunollie Hotel Dunollie | The Valley | Scott Pond | Central location Eden Accommodation Auckland | Holiday Rotorua Rotorua | Taupai | Nathans Island | Katatane | Pagan Vines Vineyard Accommodation Gibbston | Mangatahu
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Otiki | Valley Lea | Denham Bay Hut
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