Whangamumu | Pukekawa | Burnt Hill | Makohine Reserve | Puketutu | Waimangu | Okoroire Station | Williamson Point | Mangaroa | Braeside | Motutakupu Island | Devonport | Fettes Peak | Karangarua Saddle | Hukerenui | Pariokonohi Point | Waiwera Hot Pools | Mole Hill | Jerusalem | The Knoll | South Castor Peak | Bare Hill | Mount Dieffenbach | Kaka Hill | Westfield | The Lakes | Allandale | Gladstone | Puketurua | Te Iringa
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
2 Brm Apartment 5 on Jones Crescent Melville | Pariokonohi Point | Waihohonu
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