Tauwhare Homestay Tauwhare | View Hill | Taraponui | Stormount | Ngatimamoe Peak | Silverton | Cornwall Motor Lodge Palmerston North | Remuera | Waiparera | Stephens Island Lighthouse | Outin The Garden Cambridge | Te Puke | Pouakai | Mount Walcott | Glendhu | Pusey | Adams Peak | Ahuriri | Hinemoa | Somersal Bed Breakfast Pirongia | Kokonga | The Springs | Southwood Point | Bishops Cap | Qbox Queenstown | Papanui Cone | Ardmore | Rotonui | Ridge Thorpe | Georgetown
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Mole Hill | Ngatimamoe Peak | Mount Oliver
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