McNicol homestead | McKerrow | McArthur Knob | Matangirau | Matahiia | Martha | The Boat House Tairua | Maritanga | Maraetaua | Mangonui | Mangahewa | Makomako | Mackays | Long | Pakipaki | Leighton Lodge Opito Bay | Leefield | Lamb Hill | Lakeland Resort Taupo Taupo | Lake Tekapo Village Motel Lake Tekapo | Lake Kaniere Lodge | Kaltech House Lake Tekapo | Lagoon Peak | Kyle Farm | Koru Flat Owaka | Koraha | Kohukohu | Knightsbridge Court Motor Lodge | Kiwitahi | AUT University
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Otarama Peak | Mount Morris | Acacia Bay Taupo Taupo @ 2024
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