538 Great King Motel Dunedin | Colmonell | Dairy Private Luxury Hotel | Pahiatua | Edendale | Unsworth Heights | The Birds Nest Takaka | The Embassy B B Frankton | Block Hill | Sea Urchin Cottage Kaiaua | Waerenga | Teichelmann Rock | Te Hapua | Lawrence Glacier | Scratchback Hill | Wig | Glenlyon | Hillside | Cherry Tree Hill | Kaiapoi Monument | Auckland | Fourwinds | Kahui Hill | Gorge Bridge | Rayner Point | Birchfield | Tu Araiawa Island Fin Island | Braebourne | Serrat Downs | Devilskin Saddle
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Matipo | Macandrew Bay | Bryndwr
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