Mount Peterman | Stonyhurst | False Head | Revelation Col | Jerusalem | Rangi Point | Farrar Glacier | Mount Bruce | Taumahapu | Maungahaumi | Irishman Creek | Revolver Hill | Alfredton Domain | Kaikoura Quality Suites Kaikoura | Lakeview Queenstown Queenstown | Cabourne Cottage Hamilton | Glow Worm Motel Waitomo Caves | ASURE Ashley Motor Lodge Timaru | Te Huia | Leelands | The Dale | Mount Salamis | Tarakahu | Harold Moody Recreation Ground | Paparoa Station | Oue | Mercure Hotel Wellington | Richmond Farm Lodge New Plymouth | Woodchester | Lynfield
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Castle Hill | Pakaraka | Mount Wilmot @ 2024
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