Castle Spencer on Byron | Holmestead | ASURE Palm Court Motor Inn Rotorua | Putiki Panorama Ostend | Wigram | Westacre | Carradale Manor | Mokototara | Franz Josef Treetops Franz Josef | Wanganui East | Glencairn | Hemingford | Best Western Johnsonville Motor Lodge | Mount Helen | Rangitane | Glenloch | The Reef Beachfront Apartments Mount Maunganui | Blakiston | Bruce Bay | Beaumont Hotel and Holiday Park Lawrence | Cranbrook | Broadway Motel | Menzies | Riponui | Matakohe Bed and Breakfast Petite Provence Matakohe | Orukuwai Point | Helmsdale | Riverside community | Location Location Location Taupo Holiday Home Taupo Central | Hikitangi
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Camford | Limestone Hill | Wanganui East @ 2025
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