Shelbourne Villa | Cemetery Point | Waitui | The Elms | Fino Casementi | Quartz Reef Hill | Acheron Saddle | Thirty One on Karina Blenheim | Thee Gallery Twizel | Cosy rooms and breakfast New Plymouth | The York Apartments Hamilton | Maraetaha | Lemon Tree Cottage Lincoln | The Wellington Container House Wellington | The Pheasant Plucker in the Bush Tavern | The Peak | Rangiora | The Pavilion Te Kopuru | The Park Motel Hawera | The Panoramic views Queenstown Queenstown | Roxburgh | The Outpost | Wellington Beach Suite Plimmerton | Crystal Brook | Puke Ariki | Highfield | Waimate North | Pouakai | Aalsmear | Naumai
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Isolated Peak | Jackson Bay Okahu | Edwards Hut @ 2025
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