Matapu | Karioi | Puerua | Tuhaka | Abaden | Tunurangi | Pongakawa | Oakleigh | Myrmidon | Maniatutu | John Browns Grave | Peggioh | Waikora | High Peak | Tui Rau | Priorwood | Rongoio | Mount Harris | Dolamore Park | Melling Station | Pukenohi | Tahaia | Base Queenstown Discovery Lodge | Braemar Motor Lodge Palmerston North | Wyndale | Barkes Corner | Ngaro | ASURE Ambassador Motor Lodge Oamaru | Ngamarua | Newstead
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Dalmeny Park | La Belle Villa | The Sand Pit Waikanae @ 2025
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