ASB Baypark Stadium | Ugbrooke | Mount Campbell | Bird Rock | Dobbies Park | Aoturoa Estate Wanaka Unlocked Queensberry | Mount Victoria | Dalethorpe | Mount Tiber | Redcliffe Nook | The Haldons | End Hill | Mount Graham | Mangapapa Saddle | Lindis Pass | Mount Kea | Belmount | B and B on Hay Street Wellington | Wainuiomata | Homestead Villa Motel | Waitaanga | Nonoti | Hadlow Grange | Holmwood Station | Redwood Lodge Otorohanga | Mount Eglinton | Saul | Fairview | Tinpot Hut | Mangatarata
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Araara Island | Gray Hill | Mount Calliope @ 2024
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