Kerikeri Central Kerikeri | Omarama Saddle | Lake Kawaupaka | Haunui | Olde Beach Villa Waikanae | NOMAC No8 Twizel | Wairoa | Karioitahi Beach | Cosy Room with Queen Bed Christchurch | Stockton | Picaroon Farm | The Garden Studio Room Murchison | Mount Van Redan | Waimana | Upper Highfield | Pukematekeo | Maniatutu | Mercury Orchard Whitianga | Rosedale | Green Hill | Beckenham Hills | Whangarei TOP 10 Holiday Park Whangarei | Ngawaka | Mount Haast | Bay of Islands Holiday Park Haruru Falls | Highlands | Understated on Hunter Twizel | Tangemere | Waikakahi Homestead | A Touch of Tuscany at Hillsborough New Plymouth
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Heathcote County | Pakihi | Point Jones @ 2025
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