Mount Hutt Skifield | Pukekaroro | Bastion Peaks | Fairway | Holland House Bed Breakfast Nelson | Hukanui | Raetihi | Highway Inn | Paku Palms Tairua | Otaramarae | The Pheasant Plucker in the Bush Tavern | Dunton Peak | Terrace End | Hadlow Grange | Raukawa Lodge | Rataroa | Caverhill | Clarinda | Picton Apartment and Pool Picton | Pukenihinihi Point | Sail Rocks | Gulf Harbour Marina | Kinleith | Thorne Bay | Mount Herbert | Marohemo | Tasman Point | Pinnacle Rock | Otaki BNB Otaki | Redcliff Bivouac
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Round Hill | Upper Makaroro Hut | Novotel Ellerslie @ 2025
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