Craigmore Farm House | Mount Birnam | McCoy Col | Kai Tarau | Caves Hut | Karakaroa | Nelson City | Waitewhenua | Kuri Bush | Misty Peaks | Blakiston | Lone Pine | Flynns Whare | Glens of Tekoa | Warkworth Country House Warkworth | Darfield Bel Air right on the main street Darfield | Princes Wharf 2BR Sub Penthouse Auckland | Best Western Tuscany Gardens | Minden | Kaipikari | KOROMATUA LITTLE SLICE OF HEAVEN Hamilton | Fair Holme | Darfield Motel Darfield | Stevensons Island | Parahakipaku | Supreme Lakefront by Touch of Spice Queenstown | Original Glazebrook homestead | Cottage Park Thermal Motel Tauranga | Scenic Circle Airedale | Pararaha Point
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Waimimi | Paparoa | Kincardie @ 2025
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