Black Rock | Poison Point | Point Arthur | Wardendale | Howe Point | Pinehaven | Pinedale | Kokohu Station | Glade House | Bramvale | Black Stag | Thomas River Hut | Wairaki Island | Perseverance Harbour | Peneta | The Gates Farm | Pelorus Bridge | Mackays Crossing | Tregynon | Park Regis Dunedin | Kiri Kiri Farm | Pamotumotu | Palm City Motor Inn Napier | Mudbrick Cottages Oneroa | Ruahine | Otawa | Otway | Murphys Saddle | Orotere | Mount Robinson
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Mistaken Saddle | Highcrest | Cotswold @ 2025
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