The Thumbs | Sulphur Wells | Ohakune Matata Ohakune | Couloir Peak | Cooper Point | Blairich Pass | Tiki Tiki | The Strand Rusell | Wairere | Hinahina Hill | Rugged Mountain | Mount Cameron | Kennaway Hill | The Poplars | Mount Radiant | Mount McDougall | The Pheasant Plucker in the Bush Tavern | Mount Ansted | Te Pohue Farm Stay Trails Purau | Waimairi Farm | Kourarau Dam | Hillside House B and B Otorohanga | Cosy rooms and breakfast New Plymouth | The Onlooker | Copthorne Hotel Aukland City | Mount Cabot | Mount Raoulia | The Noises | Mangapapa | The Commander
Top 3 by number of total visits map pictures
Goldney Hill | Tiki Tiki | Serenada @ 2024
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